Chris Scott Wilson Writer
April '11 UK
Boson Books. 3905 Meadow Field Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606
Publisher Contact : David McAllister / Nancy McAllister
(USA) 919-233-8164
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Author contact: Chris Scott Wilson
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attached : author photo
: 2 book jacket illustrations
Yorkshire Author Blasts Both Barrels
Today, Boson Books of Raleigh, North Carolina USA releases the next two titles of their exclusive six ebook contract with the Saltburn by the Sea author Chris Scott Wilson to be distributed worldwide. Both westerns, in The Copper City, fans of Quantro can follow the next step of his story where he learns what ‘Fire in the hole’ really means. A tale of a completely different kind is Desperadoes. Bad guys are bad guys. Right? Wrong. There’s no such thing as all black. No such thing as all white. And no such thing as all good or all bad. The truth is many shades of grey. Sometimes the good guys can be the bad guys. And the bad guys? Sometimes they can be, well, nearly good. When bounty hunter Preacher Creech oversteps the line, the desperadoes he’s hunting stop in their tracks and instead become the hunters.
A spokesman for Boson Publishers says, “We feel the Western genre is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance due to the success of the movie True Grit, justifying our decision to reissue six of Chris’ westerns in the new ebook formats. Westerns are not just popular in America, but also worldwide for their gritty realism.”
Chris Scott Wilson, who lives on the North Yorkshire coast, explains, “As a writer, I want every reader to smell that thin sheen of oil on their fingers after cleaning a Colt or sniff the gunsmoke after they’ve squeezed the trigger. I want them to hear the empty brass cartridges as they scatter or the jangle of spurs and clomping of boots on the boardwalk, the rattle of bit between a horse’s teeth. I want them to slide a foot in the stirrup and grunt as they heave themselves up into the saddle, and to experience the motion of that live animal beneath them as the sun beats in their faces and the wind claws their hair. I want them to relish every moment as they come along with me on that exhilarating ride into an adventure.” Chris pauses. “What I really want is a new generation of readers to discover the excitement of the Old West, and they’ll then share the secret the rest of us already know.”
The Copper City and Desperadoes by Chris Scott Wilson are available now from Amazon, W.H. Smith and other leading online retailers. To read sample chapters, please visit Boson Books website : then choose Fiction, Westerns. Or visit Chris’ own website:
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