Chris Scott Wilson Writer
December '11 USA
Boson Books. 3905 Meadow Field Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606
Publisher Contact : David McAllister / Nancy McAllister
(USA) 919-233-8164
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Author contact: Chris Scott Wilson
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: book jacket illustration
There Are No More Fences Says Western Author
British writer Chris Scott Wilson who has five of his westerns released worldwide as ebooks by Boson of North Carolina is gratified to see they now have trailers to help promote them on YouTube. Chris admits he is pleased publishers can now generate video teasers just as Hollywood always has done for movies. “I find it tremendously exciting,” he enthuses. “It’s a new kind of marketing for books, and any step forward in bringing books to the public’s attention can’t be a bad thing. And presenting them visually hauls them into the 21st century.”
“I also find it incredible that somebody on the other side of the world from the US,” Chris reveals, “in Europe, India or Japan, or even Australia can turn on their computer and see a trailer for one of my books. Even more amazing, now that we’re moving into a digital age, they can follow on from watching the trailer and visit their on-line retailer to buy the book and have it downloaded on their computer within minutes if not seconds. All the fences have gone.”
While there are those who rigidly stick to their taste for print books, Chris says, “There’s no reason print and digital can’t exist side by side. There are those who want to keep books on their shelves. I do too, but there are also times when we read on the move, for example on holiday or commuting, and ebook readers enable us to carry as many as we want. Technology is advancing so fast. We should embrace, not resist those parts that are beneficial to us.” He smiles. “I like to think of my ebook reader as an iPod for my books.”
To see the trailers, either follow links from Chris’s website or search for “chris scott wilson” on Youtube where you will locate a list. His books Desperadoes, The Quantro Story, Double Mountain Crossing, The Copper City and The Fight at Hueco Tanks can all be found on leading US ebook retailers’ websites, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, Books on Board, Booksamillion and many others.
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