Chris Scott Wilson Writer
U.S.A. February 2011
Targeting the U.S.A. where the publc is more familiar with the publisher, the strap line was designed to emphasise Boson and the books' genre, before recalling the author's last release and then introducing the coming two. Press Releases covering Europe & the U.K. were angled slightly differently.

Boson Books. 3905 Meadow Field Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606
Publisher Contact : David McAllister / Nancy McAllister
(USA) 919-233-8164
Website :
Author contact: Chris Scott Wilson
Email : XXXXXX
Website :
attached : author photo
: 2 book jacket illustrations
Publisher Takes Aim at Western Readers
Following the release of Double Mountain Crossing by Chris Scott Wilson, Boson Books of Raleigh, North Carolina USA announces the release of the next two titles of its exclusive six ebook contract with the author to be distributed world-wide. Both rooted in the old West, The Quantro Story is a hard tale of revenge, while in The Fight at Hueco Tanks a band of renegade Apaches break out of the San Carlos Reservation, pursued by the U.S. Cavalry.
Well-known western author Randy D. Smith writes of The Fight At Hueco Tanks, “Wilson credibly depicts the mind-set, fears, and prejudices of both the white and Native American cultures during the turbulent Apache wars era of the 19th Century,” and adds, “If you want to read an intriguing story of the West with a touch of realism and a bunch of adventure, The Fight at Hueco Tanks is well worth your time.” Reviewer Mary Williams states more simply, “The author is a novelist and he knows how to tell a story...”
Chris Scott Wilson himself says. “I’ve been out to what was the frontier, and it took tough and resilient men, and of course women, who did whatever they had to in order to survive, to carve out a life and build a future for their children. It can be a harsh and unforgiving land out there in the west.”
A spokesman for Boson Publishers said, “We believe Westerns have been much neglected of late, and unlike any other form of American fiction, they vividly portray the hardships and challenges Americans faced and conquered in founding this wonderful nation. They are stories which deserve to be told.”
The Fight at Hueco Tanks & The Quantro Story by Chris Scott Wilson are available now from Amazon and other leading on-line retailers. To read sample chapters, please visit Boson Books website : then choose Fiction, Westerns
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