Chris Scott Wilson Writer
New Zealand January 2011
In New Zealand, the first three reissued Western titles appeared together on the principal ebookseller's website, so with little time to promote them individually, they were bundled together for the purpose of making the New Zealand press quickly aware.
Boson Books. 3905 Meadow Field Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606
Publisher Contact : David McAllister / Nancy McAllister
(USA) 919-233-8164
Website :
Author contact: Chris Scott Wilson
Email : XXXXXX
Website :
attached : author photo
: 3 book jacket illustrations
British Author Writes In The Wake of Captain Cook
Raised in the same village where Captain James Cook was born, British author Chris Scott Wilson has even written a book about the feted circumnavigator who called at New Zealand on all three of his legendary voyages. Although Chris himself is a passionate boater, he has never visited New Zealand, but he figuratively follows Cook here as three of his books have now been released through Whitcoulls of New Zealand.
Boson Books of Raleigh, North Carolina USA is proud to announce it has signed Yorkshire author Chris Scott Wilson to an exclusive contract for six of his books to be distributed world-wide as E-books.
Probably best known in the UK for his local history books, Boson Publishers believe Chris’ westerns hold an authenticity which will appeal to readers world-wide. The first three titles released in New Zealand are Double Mountain Crossing, The Fight at Hueco Tanks and The Quantro Story. These will be followed by The Copper City and Desperadoes, both further no-nonsense tales of the Old West. But for those whose hearts lay closer to the deep blue sea, the sixth eBook will be a maritime yarn, Scarborough Fair, originally published in the USA as a paperback and an audio book. It is a fictionalized account, based on fact, of the lead-up to, and the actual sea battle when John Paul Jones became America’s first naval hero at Flamborough Head near Scarborough in England, during the American War of Independence.
The author says: “I see westerns the same as any other historical fiction. They’re about people and their reactions to situations, often perilous.”
Chris adds, “If our parents’ generation grew up on Hollywood westerns, then my generation grew up on TV westerns. Wagon Train, Rawhide, Bronco Lane, Have Gun Will Travel and many others. We loved them. There’s something raw and exciting about a man, alone but for his Winchester and his horse, standing up to whatever that untamed country can throw at him.”
The first three westerns are available at Whitcoulls and other leading on-line retailers.
To read a sample chapter :
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