Chris Scott Wilson Writer
Australia March 2011
Released on the 30th March, this was the first release specifically written for the Australian press.

Boson Books. 3905 Meadow Field Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606
Publisher Contact : David McAllister / Nancy McAllister
(USA) 919-233-8164
Website :
Author contact: Chris Scott Wilson
Email : XXXXXX
Website :
attached : author photo
: book jacket illustration
Publisher States Ebooks Are Definitely Not The Future
“Ebooks are not the future. Tomorrow has become today. Ebooks are now,” a spokesman for Boson Books of North Carolina USA states. Development and heavy promotion of ebook readers has forced publishers to expand their ebook lists, and the public is now embracing that wider choice. “We certainly think ebooks are a solution for readers who live in rural areas where visiting bookstores may be difficult. Boson has been releasing ebooks for over seventeen years and know readers appreciate quality.”
“As part of catering to diverse tastes, we have signed author Chris Scott Wilson who writes historical novels, history books and westerns and we believe the authenticity of his stories appeals to readers worldwide. Chris’ first release with us in Australia is Double Mountain Crossing, an atmospheric western. Another four Old West adventures will follow.”
Chris comments, “If our parents’ generation grew up on Hollywood westerns, then my generation grew up on TV westerns. Wagon Train, Rawhide, Bronco Lane, Have Gun Will Travel and many others. We loved them. There’s something raw and exciting about a man, his Winchester and his horse, standing up to whatever that untamed country can throw at him.” Asked about Double Mountain Crossing, Chris reflects, “People think money is the answer to everything. It isn’t. When Morgan Clay finds a mountain full of gold, he thinks his troubles are over, but they’re just beginning.”
While reviewer John Barchan wrote “Chris has provided the ‘E’ (Entertainment) factor in this action-packed tale,” another reviewer Mike Eastwood stated Chris is “a clever descriptive writer with a wealth of knowledge about all his characters. Whether real or fictional, painstaking research into the subjects and places really has paid off. I strongly recommend this book.” He awarded it five stars. Best-selling author Clive Cussler perhaps has the last word, writing of Chris that he has, “a beautiful way with words...”
Find out for yourself. Double Mountain Crossing by Chris Scott Wilson is available now from, Whitcoulls or Infibeam and other leading on-line retailers. To read a sample chapter visit : or the author’s own website:
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